Wednesday, September 3, 2014

(Heb 4:2)  For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.
(Heb 4:3)  For we which have believed do enter into rest, as he said, As I have sworn in my wrath, if they shall enter into my rest: although the works were finished from the foundation of the world.
(Heb 4:4)  For he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise, And God did rest the seventh day from all his works.

Verse 3 is a difficult verse to translate and in the King James its sense is unclear. However the context of the proceeding and following verses makes it rather obvious.The Exodus generation had a rest available...that is to say justification by faith was available to them. The gospel promise had been announced to Abraham who accepted it by faith. The types and symbols which the Old Testament believers were commanded to keep are not to be seen as another method of justification. They were as teachers and illustrations that all pointed to the promise of the atonement of the Messiah and the work of Him as high priest of our salvation.
Verse 2 tells us that they refused to be justified by faith. The chose not to believe in such a method of God and rather leaned on their own methods....that is they trusted in whatever illusions of self justification that are available to the mind of man. They looked to their own abilities and their own interpretation of God's words. Their persistence was of such a duration that God had to give up that generation, except for Moses, Joshua and Caleb and certain others. God swore in His exasperation that they would not enter His rest of salvation even though it was fully available from the beginning by the all sufficiency of God’s nature and provisions.
But we may ask what was it that was available? What is God’s rest? For us it is salvation but it is not only salvation, for God always has, is, and ever will be the creatures rest. Adam and Eve enjoyed God’s rest before they sinned, before salvation was required. They walked by faith in perfect union with God. The thought of doubting Him did not naturally occur to them. They has no reason to doubt. All about them were the assurances of His care and lavish provision for their every need. God is the creatures all sufficiency. His safe resting place. The way of salvation for us in Christ is the way back to that abode of bliss.
But there are those who profess belief in God and yet continually frustrate that prize of faith by seeking to find some merit in themselves by which to deserve such bliss. Paul's warning to us is to put forth continual effort to remain in faith, and to persevere in trust in God until our probation on this earth closes. Then we may enter into that rest one last time and for ever. But we must begin by entering into it now daily, for the opportunity is moment by moment. What has the Seventh Day Sabbath to do with this? We shall approach that question next time.

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