Tuesday, August 5, 2014

"We have such an high priest" but the devil seeks to change how we see that!

Made in all points like unto His brethren says the book of Hebrews."We have such an high priest" but it is the devil's aim to eclipse faith in this High Priest, as scripture reveals Him, by creating a counterfeit view of Him.

Thus a false christ and a false view of salvation is created. The law of God is diminished and the human standard is exalted. This is the work of antichrist and it will deceive many who think themselves perfectly loyal Christians. Jesus first warning to this disciples regarding the end of time, was take heed that ye be not deceived and that many false anointed ones would come claiming His name. Matthew 24.
There is a great misconception in the deceived christian apostasy as to what Antichrist denotes. We see here that the antichrist spirit is a deceiver spirit. Deception poses as one thing and is actually another thing. Satan first came to Christ posing as an angel of God. Matthew 4. Paul warns that Satan's angels (messengers) will appear as angels (messengers) of light. Many assume that Antichrist will only appear as one man in direct opposition to Judaism and an empty Jewish Temple. This reveals that their teachers are not dependent on scripture but on humanly devised fables. Hollywood, Satan's soap box, will even preach this false sermon in color on the big screen. Satan has nothing to fear in this type of preaching. It is his.
The scripture reveals that antichrist is a usurper spirit that permeates a christian apostasy from the truth from the days of John the apostle. But these individuals and this movement appears in all outward likeness as followers of Christ and believe themselves to be Christians just like Judas did, until his time of exposure.
The reformers exposed this fact of an antichrist apostasy to the revived Christian church but the counter-reformation of the Catholic church set in motion many notions to counteract the truth, and today that denial has been well planted in the compromising seminaries of a dying Protestantism. The false Sabbath and the false doctrine of Christ's becoming "holy flesh" at His birth now have become "orthodoxy" in the great ecumenical adulteration of churches. Now they look outside the "christian fold" for the appearance of some future secular Antichrist politician. Thus Rome is able to cast her spell upon the confused masses of apostate churches and invite them to recognize her as the mother of the Christian church. The tentacles of Roman doctrine have reached so far in the the struggling reformation that one might think all is lost. But it is just then that God reveals His power. Revelation reveals that at that time of the end now upon us there will be those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. Revelation 14:12. Their faithfulness proclaims Babylons fall for Christ's truth walks on the earth in their flesh. His banner cannot be denied and the nations of the earth and its apostasies have one last chance to repent. Will you keep all of God's commandments by faith or will you buckle under the ecumenical pressure to fit in with the "orthodoxy" in the guise of false love on the two distinctive doctrines of antichrist? Let us stand with God.

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