Monday, August 4, 2014

...This is a deceiver and an antichrist??? 2John1:7

Made in all points like unto his brethren. Hebrews 2 gives us this great truth by which to defeat antichrist.

How important is it to believe the assertion of scripture that Christ took upon Himself the seed of Abraham and David...the fallen sons of Adam? John answers this. For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist. 2John1:7. It is apostasy itself to deny this point.

There was no way that Abraham or Mary, who was Abraham's distant offspring, could pass on to Jesus any other flesh than their own. It had to be the seed of fallen Eve that bruised the head of the serpent. Gen.3:15,16. John will not teach anything contrary to the scripture which has gone before him. This leaves us with scriptural proof as to what flesh the antichrist spirit will deny that Christ came in. There is another ear mark of the Spirit of Antichrist which we may know. It will think to change times and laws. Daniel 7:25. As surely as it has fulfilled this prediction in boasting to change the law of God and its the day of worship it has also attacked the scriptural doctrine that Christ is come in the flesh of the fallen race.
"The official and "infallible" doctrine of the Immaculate Conception, as solemnly defined as an article of faith, by Pope Pius IX, speaking ex cathedra on the 8th of December 1854 is as follows:--
By the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ of the blessed apostles Peter and Paul, and by our own authority, we declare, pronounce, and define that the doctrine which holds that the most blessed Virgin Mary, in the first instant of her conception, by a special grace and privilege of Almighty God, in view of the merits of Jesus Christ, the Savior of mankind, was preserved free from all stain of original sin, has been revealed by God, and therefore is to be firmly and steadfastly believed by all the faithful.
Wherefore, if any shall presume, which may God avert, to think in their heart otherwise then has been defined by us, let them know, and moreover understand, that they are condemned by their own judgment, that they have made shipwreck as regards the faith, and have fallen away from the unity of the Church.--Catholic Belief, page 214.
This conception is defined by Catholic writers thus:--
The ancient writing, "De Nativitate Christi," found in St. Cyprian's works says: Because (Mary) being "very different from the rest of mankind, human nature, but not sin, communicated itself to her."
Theodore, patriarch of Jerusalem, said in the second council of Nice, that Mary "is truly the mother of God, and virgin before and after childbirth; and she was created in a condition more sublime and glorious than that of all natures, whether intellectual or corporeal."--Id., pages 216, 217. {1905 ATJ, CWCP 37.3}
Satan cannot claim a race that has not transgressed the law of God since the law contains the terms of citizenship to God's kingdom. It is in fallen flesh where Satan's claim of the race resides, thus Christ came to fallen flesh to rescue it from that possession. If you must regain a territory from enemy invasion you must ultimately meet the enemy on  that territory and overcome them and possess it yourself.
Satan must keep this point subdued  (that Christ restored the power of obedience to mankind in fallen flesh, in Himself) if he wants to keep unlearned Christians in opposition to the law of God, and in acceptance of the change of the law of God and it's creation Sabbath.  If we understand that Christ succeeded in making a way for fallen man to return to allegiance to the law of God in this life then Satan's scheme is undone. We will recognize Antichrist's deception. More on this great truth next time. God be with you readers and with your faithfulness to the truth of Christ.

Catholic bishop admits that they changed the Sabbath!

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